End of Windows 7 officially!

 Windows 7

Officially, as expected, the famous Microsoft Windows 7 operating system officially came to an end (at least for ordinary users) as the system reached the end date of the technical and security support. This means that continuing to use it will have very serious consequences for users.

Microsoft has long announced that January 14, 2020, will be the final date to stop technical and security support for Windows 7. This is in the company's endeavor to persuade the largest number of users to move toward its latest Windows 10 operating system, which still faces difficulties in providing a large proportion of its users who are still clutches to Windows 7 as they were clutches to Windows XP.

Although it was ten years since its launch and exactly in October 2009, Windows 7 until last months was available on a quarter of the market share of the global operating systems, because of its easy-to-use interface and the many advantages it offers, The experts advise Windows 7 users to move quickly to Windows 10 after the end of the technical and security support, because continued use of it may be very dangerous, especially when connected to the Internet. However, as of last months, Windows 7 was available on a quarter of the market share of the global operating systems, because of its easy-to-use interface, the many advantages it offers, and experts advise Windows 7 users to quickly move to Windows 10 after the end of technical and security support. Continuing to use it can be particularly dangerous when calling

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