History of Java
Java features
Java language learning requirements
Programming Android applications in Java
Designing desktop software with Java language
Design cloud computing with Java
Programming AI applications in Java
The most important Java learning platforms


History of Java

(Java) is an object-oriented programming language developed by James Gosling in 1992 - while working in Sun Microsystems Labs - to serve as the thinking behind the operation of smart applications such as interactive television, Java was a development of C++. When she was born, she was called "Oak" in the sense of the oak tree; It is the tree that he saw from his office window while working in Sun Microsystems Labs, then changing the name to Java, and that name (typically in the programming language label) is not the initials of a particular sentence or expression in a particular sense, but just the name that the developers of that language have developed to compete with other names.

Java features

Java has special features making it the most exciting programming language
; because what is distinguishing is:
• ease.
* supporting and directed to entities.
• easy access.
* safe.
* transferable and implementable.
• adds movement and sound to web pages.
• writing games and utilities.
• create programs with a graphical user interface.
• designing software that takes advantage of all the advantages of the Internet. The Java language provides an interactive web environment and is therefore used to write Internet education programs through computer simulation software for scientific experiments and virtual classroom software for e-learning and distance learning. The effectiveness of Java is not only limited to the web but also enables us to create programs for personal and professional use, these programs are accomplished through a range of programs that facilitate the writing of commands as the NetBins and Clipps program.

Java learning requirements

Java Developers Kit, a tool developed by Java developers, is one of the best programming tools available to the user from the Sun Microsystems site. The editor is used to start writing the program or the so-called source of the program, such as Notepad or Notepad+, and Eclipse or NetBeans are among the most favored free development environments for programrs.

Programming Android applications in Java

Choosing to develop Android apps will open you with two distinct doors that will change your entire life, the first thing is to do programming through the use of the Java language. It is the primary language and most important among the different programming languages.
Google offers the best development environment called Android Studio, offering many application industry tools that are fully compatible with all smart devices, such as the size or type of the screen, are important to its specifications. Using this environment, you can develop a full application that runs on all tablets, as well as smartphones and the rest of the devices that use this system, even without having to write a specially targeted application for each platform.
At the same time, the company's site provides a wide range of learning lessons that enable you to learn how to start making the first application on Android.
In fact, there are many platforms for developing and programming Android applications other than Android Studio. But it is better and easier to learn on this platform because it is considered the best platform for Android programs, especially as it depends on Java language, which is the subject of our codification. The platform was created by Google's global company, confirming that it is an official platform by real experts.
Designing desktop software with Java language
Developing desktop applications is one of the skills many programrs want to learn, to learn about new technology techniques in programming, application development, and many other technologies.
Learning lessons for developing desktop applications are not readily available for many programrs. However, in this article, you'll get enough information about how to develop desktop applications, how to create them, and what programming languages are most commonly used to develop desktop applications while learning how to use them.
The desktop program is created across a range of media that provides you with a base to work on by learning Java

Work Media:
Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for the development of GUI applications, controllers, Windows Forms or WPF applications, websites, web applications, and web services.
Jetbrains Intellij idea
IDE is capable and comfortable for business, enterprise and mobile web development. Provides high support and productivity for organizations, mobile phones, and web development in Java, Scala, and Groovy, with the latest technologies and frameworks supported from outside the box
XCode 6 offers a radically new way to design and build software. Swift is a new and innovative programming language for Cacao and Kakao TAC, and when combined with XCode tools, it makes programming a pleasant experience. Displays live presentation within interface
Builder the handwritten UI code in the design panel immediately reflects the changes you type in the code.
This is only after the Java working media for desktop software creation. There are many platforms and programs to work on, including free and paid, so if you are interested in working in Java to create desktop programs, point to this in a comment to explain.

Cloud computing design

clouding with java
  When you want to develop applications for your computer, the first programming languages that will appear in your mind are C, C ++, Java and even Python. However, your choice of programming languages may be different when it comes to cloud computing. Instead of general-purpose programming languages, you will go to the most data-oriented languages and one of the most important of these is the Java XML 
The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is used primarily to describe data. This is not a programming language that you can use to develop a complex application from scratch. Instead, the language encrypts data and documents to a format that can be understood by both the device and human readers.XML is usually associated with the Java programming language. This means that whenever Java is used, you expect XML to be found. As Java is used to run a number of complex cloud computing applications.To help you make the right choice, here's an overview of some of the best programming languages.

1. SQL

SQL (structured Query Language) is designed primarily for data processing. Most application software for computers uses SQL to connect a server and database. Cloud is heavily dominated by SQL, making it the most common programming language for cloud computing.
SQL is classified as a programming language with distinct purposes because it is designed to manage data in an interactive relational data management system. SQL has simple, easy-to-learn syntax.

2. Python

Python is a high-level programming language designed to simplify the whole concept of large data. It is easy to read and anyone can learn it in a short time. Currently, Python is used to manage large data-driven projects, some of which are based on cloud computing.
Python is an ideal language for cloud computing because it allows programrs to easily create, analyze, and organize large pieces of data. It is also an ideal choice for cloud-based analytics streaming applications. The ability to integrate with many other technologies makes Python programming language suitable for cloud computing.

3. CLOJURE programming language

CLOJURE is a general purpose programming language. A modern language from the Lisp programming language, which is general purpose. The language works on the default Java machine, and like Lisp, CLOJURE is the code as data, and supports functional programming. It is a common language among data scientists.
Although it is a localized language, CLOJURE is still able to remain dynamic and thus can be supported in the operating environment. Programming language gives programrs easy access to different Java frames. CLOJURE supports non-changeable data structures used primarily in cloud computing. It also allows programs to create multiple data designs.

4. Go programming language

Google's "go" programming language was invented and was intended to be an alternative to C++. Language can be used to develop stand-alone computer software applications. It is an open source language.
Go has an excellent portfolio in cloud computing. There are a large number of tools developed using Golang including Docker and Consul. These tools are heavily used for large data and cloud computing. Go is known for its scalability and memory efficiency.If you plan to develop or pursue a cloud project as a career, try understanding the four programming languages mentioned above. Although there are dozens of other programming languages that you can use, the above are most common. They are easy to learn and highly efficient.

Programming AI applications in Java

programing AI

  At present, one of the most promising topics is artificial intelligence or AI. AI is simulated by human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems. These include learning (acquisition of information and rules for use of information), inference (using rules to reach approximate or specific conclusions) and self-correction. Because of this, the largest fields of research, the technology giant, and even the startups are working on it.

It is a very broad topic ranging from basic calculators and self-direction technology to self-aware robots that can radically change the future. The development of systems that equate or exceed human intelligence is the essence of AI
Java is also a great choice. It is an object-oriented programming language that focuses on providing all the high-level features required to work on AI projects. The Java community is also an additional point because there will be someone to help you with your questions and issues.
The best thing about Java is Java Virtual Machine technology that enables you to build a single application version, which will work on all Java-supported platforms.

The most important Java learning platforms

Java for Dummies Book eBook

Java For Dummies, I always liked this series of books, and we have provided different explanations in our articles about these yellow books, and for Dummies, books take their reading from the zero stage to the advanced stages in the field by writing them. Today, in our article dedicated to the most powerful resources for learning programming in Java, we suggest Java for Dummies, which will take your hand to the point of understanding and professionalism all the basics of Java as well.

Interactive Java Learning:

CodecaDemy is a popular site that provides you with a beautiful way to learn any programming language, including, of course, Java programming language, providing you with an interactive mechanism to provide you with small exercises or Quiz in the language, explaining the basics of each programming code. We recommend that you learn Java interactively through Codecademy, which is an effective way to gain the basics of any programming language as it is. Link to the site.

Learn to train Java in an equivalent manner:

Many people do not at all prefer to learn any technology or video programming language, as following audio/visual cycles may not be suitable for everyone, as some see it as merely a repetition of a particular code and its explanation is no less and no more. Some prefer to learn it as read, whether by books or sites that provide essay courses, the Tutorials Point site is one of the sites that personally helped me learn many techniques, and present to you its short course of Java learning and its fundamentals in a professional manner. URL

Learn Java Site etions

Another site specialized in the Java programming language, in fact specialized in several programming languages, including the Java programming language, provides you with a set of Java programming language codes, explained them, and so Compiler at the bottom to try your code. By having completed all the codes, understanding them, and trying them, you will have understood the basics of Java programming language. Link to the site.

I hope I would have informed you about the Java programming language, if you have any questions send e-mail or leave your question in a comment.
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